It's Saturday and the countdown has started. We have 3 more days before our adventure begins! I am so thrilled that you have all agreed to join me, Blue and I are looking forward to being your host and guide.

Sheri Gaynor and Blue copy 

Click the widget to learn more about the Creative Awakenings, One Book-One Community Read Along

Strap on your favorite pair of traveling shoes….We have a special treat in store for all of you for our launch.

To launch the Creative Awakenings, June One Book, One Community Read Along, we are going to attempt to come to you live and in person through SKYPE, Monday evening, June 1st, in combination with a EnVision DreamTime telegathering call (which will be recorded and posted) ! How about that! I am going to try and work with SKYPE this weekend, so those of you who have it…check back and I will have something more posted once details are finalized in that realm.

I will be reading from the book during our DreamTime gathering, and will answer any questions you might have as we begin the journey. So please post your questions in the One Book-One Community Read Along room in the Creative Awakenings discussion Salon- this weekend-and I will randomly choose from them for our call. I will answer the rest of the questions throughout the month by posting the Community Read room.

So here is the plan for the DreamTIme telegathering:

Get out your compass and check your maps….
Where are YOU?
9:00-9:30pm EST
7:00-7:30pm MTN

6:00-6:30pm PST

Let's meet at the trailhead, here is the Mile Marker and telegathering call in number: 
Tel: 218-844-8230
Participant Code: 381000#
Please note, typical long distance charges apply. This is a traditional long distance number.