August 8 -15 Calendar Follows this Blog Post:
“Thoughts become things.” – Mike Dooley . Aa you all know, I am a firm believer in the Art of Intention. I have to be, as it’s how I live my life and what Creative Awakenings: EnVisioning the LIfe of Your Dreams Through Art is all about.
For many years I’ve been creating EnVision Art of Intention pieces in my Book of Dreams and I know have a Dream Journal that spans 3 years of my life. Have you ever felt as if each thought you had manifested with light speed? Well, that’s what I’ve noticed is now happening and I still find myself shocked when it happens! Remember this piece that emerged during last Sunday’s Soul Sessions? I could never have imagined what it was telling me until we went for lunch that after the event.
Last week I saw that the Monks of Drepung Loseling Monastery were going to be in Aspen. I thought, “I wonder if I could get them to come and bless our studio.” Two days later I found out they were coming to the Third St. Center for two nights, and being sponsored by friends Rob and Mary Grady of Anahata Healing Arts and Frankie Grundler of A New Path! After the first ceremony, Mary helped me approach the Rinpoche to see if they might bless the space. He said, “Of course.”
Andora and Ansley who’s grandpa dropped them off at the studio on Thursday, created a chalk Welcome on the floor of the studio-the heart was their version of a Mandala-and Advisory Council member and dear friend Toni Grenko provided fresh rose petals to spread on the floor.
We shared our mission with the Monks and they seemed very pleased that our efforts were for healing and serving community. Just as they began, Blue walked by them and tapped each one on their legs! Andy and I were astounded-I was actually freaking out-but he just walked by tapped them and sat down quietly. Later Andy said, “He smudged them with his tail!”
I stood in awe, with friends, students, Creative Spark facilitators, and other Third Street tenants in witness, the sounds of their chants and prayers were palpable and filled the studio. Tears of deep gratitude were shed as I realized how far we’ve come in these two months and the gifts these gentle men were giving to our studio and those who will continue to pass through our doors.
At the end of the ceremonial Puja the Monks performed for the community, they put on their beautiful tall yellow hats. Andy pointed down to Blue’s tail as he laid at our feet. He had a large splash of yellow color in the fur of his tail!
I put together a tithing for the Monks, I took several of the wish/dream/prayer flags created by children and families during our Grand Opening ceremony and created prayer flags as a gift. It seemed so appropriate to share these beautiful flags with the Monks, in addition to our donation.
Thank you to Rob, Mary, Frankie and Rob for bringing these extraordinary men to our building and to Monks of Drepung Loseling Monastery, I will be eternally grateful and your voices and spirits will be a part of our community forever.
One last piece of exciting news. We are thrilled to announce our collaboration with Moms for Mom’s Communites and Janine Cuthbertson! We have put together a special event for Mom’s called Creative Awakenings for Mom’s: Finding Our Way Home. 15% of proceeds will be shared with Mom’s for Mom’s Communities for their developing programming…Read more…
Artists of The Week:
The Spill it Sister Crew at the Round Table
Andora creates a mobile
Taylor works on a mixed-media painting
Ansley, Brooke and Andora show off their hand made books
Riley shows off a journal page and Taylor her piece, “Different.”
NOW IT”S YOUR TURN! Come join in on the fun….IGNITE YOUR SPIRIT!
THIS WEEK AT THE SPARK…See our complete calendar of events here
Tel: 970-618-0561
Punch Pass Summer Series Classes this week:
Express Yourself: Summer of Imagination“
Muse Whisperer: Gerry Michel
Nazareth and Muse Whisperer Gerry Michel have been drawing together all summer.
Monday, August 9 and Thursday August 12
Drop in: 10 a – noon
Class Fee: $12 per class or $10 per class with punch pass
Spill it Sister! 101 – The Art of Visual Journaling for Teen Girls
Muse Whisperer: Sheri Gaynor, Author of Creative Awakenings: Envisioning the Life of Your Dreams Through Art
Monday, August 9 and Wednesday 12
Drop In: 1 p – 3 p
Class Fee: $12 per session or $10 with the Summer Punch Pass
Ages: 8-17 Have you wanted to find a way that no one could read your “secret” thoughts and ideas? Join us for the weekly Spill It Sister – Open Studio Gatherings. Bring your journal, personal photos, and favorite papers and gather with other sisters who are spilling their hopes and dreams to the page. For more information or to register, call 970-618-0561 or email
NOTE: EnVISION DreamTime: The Art of LIving Intentionally
Date: August 9
Time: 6 p – 8:30 p
Pre – Registration required…
Please RSVP if you plan on attending or call 970-618-0561
Are you looking for a circle of support to help you take some bold steps toward your dreams? Creative Awakenings author, Sheri Gaynor, takes you on a visual journaling adventure, using her EnVision DreamTime Art of Intention Process. Suggested reading: Sheri’s book…Creative Awakenings: Envisioning the Life of Your Dreams Through Art. This Art of Intention group meets the first Monday of each month through summer.
Awakening the Painter Within Sold Out! Contact me about the upcoming Fall Class
Time: 6 – 9 p
Fee: $120.00 (4 week session)
© 2010 Sheri Gaynor. Title: Emerging Spirit
Deepen your Intuitive Painting experience with this small, intimate, facilitated group. Each week, we will begin with a guided meditation and create an intention to Awaken The Painter Within. The group will be kept to 6 participants to allow time for facilitation and group sharing. Prerequisite is at least one attendance in a Soul Session Sunday. Call
970-618-0561 for our new dates.
Oh Baby! Mom’s and Munchkins Creativity Circle
Muse Whisperer: Rochelle Norwood and her baby Ruby
Alyssa and baby Rhett created this beautiful folk art treasure (a growth chart) in Rochelle Norwoods’ Mommy Creativity Circle.
Drop in: 10 a – noon
Ages: Infant to Kindergarden: On-going every other Wednesday Morning
Class Fee: $12 per class or $10 per class with punch pass
Rochelle Norwood and her daughter Ruby are facilitate an art class for you and your little one. The class invites you to meet other mom’s co-create a beautiful work of art with your child. The two-hour class will range from projects like a family portrait, painting a special piece of furniture, art to live drumming, mosaics, wind chimes and more. This is a special time and space you and yours to explore your creative sparks.
Express Yourself: Summer of Imagination
Muse Whisperer: Gerry Michel
Thursday, August 12
Drop in: 10 a – noon
Class Fee: $12 per class or $10 per class with punch pass
heART Yoga: Hatha Yoga and Creative Expression
Muse Whisperers: Janne Nikolajsen and Sheri Gaynor
On-Going Friday, August 13
Drop In: 8 a – 9:30 a
Class Fee: $12 per class or $10 per class with punch pass
Ages: 15 – Adult
Open Studio Fridays
Every Friday – Excluding First Fridays
Friday, August 13
Drop In: 1 p – 3 p
Class Fee: $12 per class or $10 per class with punch pass
All ages welcome: Experience THE SPARK! Take a break from your work week and start your weekend with a boost of creative inspiration. Open studio is pure experiential time. The studio will be open to all ages for wild hearted creative expression. Bring a project you are working on, or come meet other like-minded individuals. There will be lots of materials to choose from or bring your own.