
Happy New Year everyone! I am sorry I have been remiss in writing. I have been catching up on end of the year/beginning tasks and until today I have not had a moment to write.

Have you been dreaming about 2008 and where you are hoping to go this year? If you did not get my newsletter this month, there is an announcement of fabulous podcast interview I did with Penelope Dullaghan.  Penny is bright, funny and was incredibly generous with the information she shares. She tells us how she changed from art director at a successful agency to illustrator, with clients like Target and United Airlines. It is definitely worth a listen.

Here is a sampling from this months newsletter:

Finding True North-Triumph in the face of rejection

As I look back on 2007, I am proud to say, it may just be one of the most exciting of my life. I still have to pinch myself sometimes to remember that one year from this moment, my book will be available internationally!

Talk about a dream come true. And herein lies the power of EnVision. I have always been told that I should write a book, the problem was, I had trouble finding the time. In 2004 I created a digital book that I sold in conjunction with an annual art show i was involved with. The book was a bit hit and once again I heard, "You should really write a book and try and get it published." With the digital books success, I took notice and was able to imagine the possibility.

From that moment on, I took small calculated steps to submit the book of my dreams. This was uncharted territory, so I did a lot of research before submitting. I also had some help along the way from women who had published before and were willing to share their guidance and support. We all need a shoulder to lean on once in awhile, especially from those who have navigated the waters.

I submitted my first book based on the digital book concept but it was rejected. Did that stop me? No, not this Feisty Female, it actually made me more determined. In a surprising way the rejection helped me as it offered me an opportunity to learn more about the publishing business and to understand what they might be looking for. And that is how I look at every rejection now…it is an opportunity (which you will learn more about in the book!)

It took me about another year, but I came up with a new concept, and interestingly the the timing could not have been more perfect. Fortunately, the editor and publisher were also able to see the proposed content was meeting a cultural need, and more importantly, the culture was ready and willing to receive it!

Last night I was in need of a little bit of, if you build it inspiration, so we rented my all time favorite movie, Field of Dreams. As I move into my 9th month of writing, it was just the shot in the arm I needed to start the New Year out with hope and excitement. Yes, I see the metaphor and believe me, it is more amazing then I can express!

What I see now, that I could never have known then, is that the first book, although a good idea, did not support my ultimate vision for my purpose in this life. I also see that the timing for my second proposal was absolutely perfect and realize if I had allowed that first rejection to stop me, the Universe may never have supported me in sharing my upcoming book with the world.

The lesson here is never give up your dreams. Never get knocked down by the first, second or third no. Keep believing, keep imagining what is possible. It isn’t always easy, I know. Take some time lick your wounds and pick yourself up and say, "Okay, what’s next!" As Walt Disney said, "If you can dream it, you can do it."

So Feisty Females..What’s next?

Go ahead…Dare to be Feisty™..Live Your Dreams!


4 Responses

  1. Hi Sheri!
    Good to see you back to posting!
    I am really looking forward to your book coming out! You talked about a movie that inspires you – as weird as it sounds, the first Ocean’s Eleven is one of the movies I watch when I feel like giving up…the underlying message and symbolism (even the number 11!) in it gets me motivated!
    P.S. Received the magnet – LOVE it! Thank you!

  2. Hi Ash,
    Field of Dreams never fails to have me weeping. I think we all have a movie that is our personal inspiration shot in the arm. I now have several. Freedom Writers is another. Ohhhh I loved that movie.
    I am so happy you liked the magnet. Anne is really a talented artist and a WONDERFUL persom. If you have not done so, you can visit her site here.