We are a country that is traumatized

We are a country that is traumatized. The leader of our nation is actively calling for violence. People are carrying out acts in his name. Are we awake yet?

Healing Hearts with Horses: Veterans & PTSD. |elephant journal

Today’s Bliss: My elephant journal story has been published. In light of the state of our world today, this story was written from my heart and soul. Today I invite you to look up. Look a stranger in the eye. They may have a story to share with you…. If you like the story, please share. […]

The Coat of Many Colors…A Short Story for Your Day…

He glides through the town with the greatest of ease, an urban bedouin, a bull dog bedecked in a jesters collar, his faithful companion. His bi-wheel chariot, both abode and transport, a mystical delight, draped in royal purple, pinks, flowers, glitter and anything he might find, that shimmers in the days sun. He is Joseph […]

Today’s Awakening: A New Day Rises

Rooster crows pink light weaves through dark green pine boughs, Mist leaves her dew on the frost covered ground soaking my boots and soul, The smell of hay and earth fills the air as steam rushes from wild nostrils, A new morning, a new day rises

Creative Expression: Moving Through Collective Grief…

So many of you have written to me of your feelings of helplessness in witnessing the devastation caused by the Lake County fires and wondering how you can help. I have been feeling helpless too, so in a meditation, I asked how I could be of support today and this came through. At the end […]

A Love Letter to mySELF and to Solo Flyers Everywhere

Dear SELF, Today is Valentines Day, the day of love and lovers. Despite the hype, officially speaking, the day bears the name of St. Valentine, martyred and buried North of Rome. As if being a martyr wasn’t bad enough, to make matters worse, he was removed from the General Roman Calendar in 1969 and entered into […]

Happy New Year!

Happy New Years Eve! News and announcements for 2014 will be coming soon. Thank you for your patience during this past transformative year of walking through my own personal fire. I look forward to the new blank canvas that sits before us all, awaiting our intentions in 2014.

Today’s Awakening:

“I woke this morning realizing that this experience with the Epona herd has truly been as Linda Kohanov says an, ‘Interspecies” learning/healing experience. The growth is co-creative. I have seen profound changes in both the herd and myself and very often they appear to mirror one another. This can not be an ‘accident’.” ~Sheri Shanti Lynn […]