Teaching Boundaries and Sensitivity Through Equus-heART

The horse as muse and facilitator offers young adults a way to see themselves…
Turnout Creative
I have had the pleasure of getting to know psychotherapist Courtenay Blackwell Gueta, owner of Turnout Creative and Turnout Counseling. We are kindred spirits, MSW’s who contest the nomenclature therapist. Courtney calls herself a, “change agent,” and I have to say, I like that a lot! I was honored when she wrote to me to […]
You're Invited to the 2nd Annual Writing + Creativity + Horses = WELLbeing With Lisa Jones, Sheri Gaynor and Susan Gibbs June 22-24, 2012 SOLD OUT! Click here to be wait listed Are you in need of CREATIVE JUICE and REJUVENATION? Are you seeking support to awaken to your deepest gifts and talents and bring them […]
The 2nd Annual Woman's Retreat SOLD OUT! Writing + Creativity + Horses = WELLbeingWith Facilitators: Lisa Jones, Sheri Gaynor and Susan GibbsJune 22-24, 2012 at Sopris Mtn. Ranch Do you hear a calling? Is it a whisper…or a howl? Are you ready to give VOICE to what's inside you? Are you yearing to awaken to your deepest gifts and talents; bring […]
Living Life Through the Eyes of a Child
© 2012 www.sherigaynor.com. All rights reserved. Every Thursday morning, the studio becomes a magic kingdomfor little hearts and minds and their families. This week I arrived at the end of Music Together with Annie Flynn and a mother greeted mewith “The kids were just WILD today, someone said it was the Solar Flares!” […]
Go to your “studio” and CREATE!
Go to your “studio” and create….
Tutorial: Painting Your Heart Out!
Be fearless…be bold…let it go…
Puppy Love
Clients continually tell me they have no time to create…
Hmmm…perhaps it’s as simple as a change of definition.
waiting to bloom
When energy needs to surface, I take to the page.
First Friday’s at The Spark
(Emerging artist) An artist who is at an early stage in their career, who has specialized training in the art form, and who has created a modest body of artistic work. Join us Friday, August 5, for First Friday's at Creative Spark Studio and Carbondale Council on Arts and Humanities as we host two extraordinary […]